They matter.  Though we at BPC like to consider ourselves a progressive and dynamic church, we also deeply value following cherished traditions that underpin our identity.  Here are several seasonal mission projects we have long been part of that help us to reflect on who we are as a church as well as remind us to give thanks to our Creator.
BPC’s “Thanks = Giving” food drive is arguably our most popular mission project, at least in terms of participation.  At this time of the year we collect, assemble and share food bags with those in need–to struggling families, to the homeless, to the working poor…to those who may not have an opportunity otherwise to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal at home wherever that might be. The Sunday before Thanksgiving, church attendees, young and old alike, together fill the bags with essential staples that make up a traditional holiday meal and then deliver them to several local non-profits we have long supported, who in turn distribute them to selected recipients.  We do Thanks = Giving not only so others may eat, but also so we ourselves can express our gratitude to God for the many blessings we have received.

Come Christmas season, BPC turns into a “Superstore.” Sort of. For a couple of Sundays prior to Christmas, we run the Angel Store, which consists of two components, each making a small but positive impact on our world. First, Church-shoppers from a brochure/catalogue can pick out every day essential items that our various ministries we support have specifically requested. Shoppers then receive a special gift card to give to their respective recipients, which includes information on that chosen ministry.  The second section of Angel Store is made up of actual handcrafted items from Ten Thousand Villages in Pasadena, a nonprofit fair trade group supporting disadvantaged artisans in developing countries.  Both types of gifts not only help others in need but also honor a little baby once born in Bethlehem. 


BPC joins together with other fellow Presbyterian congregations for four special seasonal offerings sponsored by our national denomination: One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peacemaking Offering, and Christmas Joy Offering.  Half the proceeds go to specific national or global concerns of our church as a whole, while the other half we at BPC use for one of our own supported ministries.   All work to serve those most in need. For more info, go to