Founded in 1976, Habitat for Humanity (HfH) is a leader in addressing the issues of poor housing conditions. Since 1990, HfH of Greater Los Angeles has built, rehabilitated, or repaired over 1,000 homes in neighborhood across Los Angeles County. HfH tranforms lives, inspires neighborhoods to improve, and strengthens communities. Our BPC church family has been involved with the HfH builds for well over 20 years.
THANK YOU to all who gave their time & talents
through Habitat for Humanity
It was an inspiring day earlier this month of February for BPCers who provided services to those in need through Habitat for Humanity.
Composed of two groups, one party participated in the “InterFaith Workday”, which included four other churches and a Muslim mosque. They all worked together at an eight-townhome site south of Downtown LA where our members have served in the past.  Our other team worked at Habitat’s thrift store on La Brea Ave., where they unpacked and organized donations as well as cleaned and arranged sales displays.
Getting instructions
Admiring their work
Habitat ReStore Volunteers


United University Church, 1053 W 23rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Please wear mask; they provide gloves.
Email Michelle LoMonaco with questions or to sign up: michelle.lomonaco@bpcusa.org.


Join the 5th DEMENTIA BAND
CALLING ALL SENIORS especially those with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Dementia.
Weekly rehearsals in the BPC Sanctuary, Thursdays, 2:00 – 3:00 PM.


THE GIVING SPIRIT is dedicated to bringing awareness and providing aid to the homeless community. Over 56,000 lives — many who are are families — have been served in 21 years. This year we can support thousands of kids and young people who struggle to learn while being homeless.


THE PEOPLE CONCERN is grateful to BPC for nearly four decades of partnership toward its efforts in providing support systems or our city’s most vulnerable: those living on the streets. BPCers for years have prepared and served hot meals to program participants at SaMoshel, one of their three interim homeless housing facilities on the Westside. When the pandemic struck, we stayed involved by switching to assembling and donating snack bags and hygiene kits. Our church heartily supports this non-profit’s prime objective: to ensure all are housed, healthy and safe.


The WESTSIDE FOOD BANK is the exclusive food bank provider for about 70 social service agencies with food assistance programs.  Believe it or not, $1 with WFB will provide the equivalent of 4 nutritious meals.

All-Church Mission Project at Westside Food Bank
On Sunday, July 21, 2024, after Worship Service, a collection of BPCers, young and old alike, headed over to Westside Food Bank in Santa Monica in response to the agency’s special call to the public for help — namely to help prepare meal boxes for their summer children nutrition program.
From their efforts, some 382 boxes of food items were assembled — each box the equivalent of 10 meals.  The meal “kits” are to go out to needy children and families in our community, replacing the breakfasts and lunches children normally get during the school year. School may be out, but hunger doesn’t take a vacation.


BPC is honored to be one of 70 faith communities, public agencies and other organizations making up The Westside Coalition, a non-profit alliance whose overriding goal is to get everyone working together on issues of housing, hunger and health affecting the poor and homeless of L.A. We have been actively involved in sponsoring a number of their events as well as participating in meetings and workshops. Up until Covid, it had been an annual tradition on our pat to collect new socks and underwear for the homeless, so much so that we became known as “The Sock Church.”


In 1993, BPC responded to the needs of women without homes and their children by building a transitional living center in Venice. The home has provided a safe, secure place for over 200 families. In addition to housing, the program’s current primary focus is on employment.