Children’s Ministry
Childcare on Sunday Mornings
It is our pleasure and privilege to provide your family with childcare for the 10:30 AM worship service. We will continue to provide this service from 10:15 to 11:45 AM. If you would like childcare for the 8:00 AM service or for the School of Christian Learning Class, we will be happy to arrange this by request. Please email Ellie Laita, Director of Children and Family Ministries  at
BPCKidz (Grades K-5), 10:00 AM Service
All elementary students will meet in person starting in the Sanctuary and get dismissed to Room 209 after the Children’s Message. Pick up will be in Room 209.
Babies – Preschool drop off in Room 116. Pick up on the Playground. 
Please email Ellie at
if you would like to be included in these email resources.